Frederick Peeters






Retie, Belgium



I just discovered your website and I think it is great! You have my total support and I would be honoured to be on it.

My name is Frederick Peeters, born 07/06/1984 and living in Retie (Belgium)

I started listening to rock and later metal music at high school and the bassplayer always took my attention when visiting live gigs. So I started playing myself in 2002 and one year later I joined/started my first band. A Metallica Tribute band called Sanitarium ( in which I'm still playing.
Cliff Burton has always been a great example for me. His basslines in Metallica songs are just the most fun to play.

I played in some other bands as well cause writing music myself was necessary to develope an own style. Currently I'm also active in the Belgian groove/death metal band Welkin ( Bass is strongly involded in our music. Rhythm is all we care about in this band so I need to put down a strong foundation ;)

Sanitarium and Welkin offer me a completely different playing style (finger/pick, loose and free/thight rhytms) so this makes me a happy bassplayer who has everything he needs.

Influences besides Cliff Burton/Metallica are Alex Webster/Cannibal Corpse (for insane fast fingered basslines), Jean Michel Labadie/Gojira (for endless energy in his live perfomances) and Meshuggah (entire band) for making the most insane rhythm based music ever.

My current equipment excists of a Yamaha TRB1005L as my main instrument and a Yamaha BB405L as backup.
I'm pounding my 'grooves' through an Ampeg SVT CL with SVT810E cabinet. With the Metallica Tribute band I'm also using an EHX Bigg Muff and a Morley Power Wah Boost for Cliff's solo work in ao 'For Whom The Bell Tolls' and '(Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth'.

Sandberg PM5

Yamaha TRB1005L

Yamaha BB405L

Ampeg SVT CL with SVT810E cabinet

EHX Bigg Muff

Morley Power Wah Boost