Michel Gilles

.No Stress

Band: No Stress


Brussels / Belgium


Greetings from Belgium and congratulation for your great website !

Michel Gilles

I am from Belgium, 50 years old, playing in a cover band “Les Canettes Vides• (www.canettes.be)

Our setlist consists of good old Rock ‘n’ Roll numbers but also more bluesy and recent female songs to please our wonderful singer Magali.

I own 2 basses :

- Fender Jazz Bass sunburst upgraded with BADASSII bridge and DiMarzio Pickups

- Schecter Stiletto Studio 5 strings

I have 2 amplifiers :

- Hartke combo 140W 15 inches for rehearsals and small venues

- Ashdown combo MAG 300 4 x 10 Inches + horn for larger venues.

Fender Jazz Bass sunburst

Schecter Stiletto Studio 5 strings

Hartke combo 140W 15 inches

- Ashdown combo MAG 300 4 x 10 Inches + horn